American Red Cross Vacancy: Mid Term Program Evaluation of the LAMIKA Program - Haiti

American Red Cross Vacancy: Mid Term Program Evaluation of the LAMIKA Program - Haiti
1. Description of the Program to be Evaluated

1.1. Background and Objectives of the Project
The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010 is one of the worst urban disasters in recent history with much of the destruction centered in the capital city, Port-au-Prince. Approximately three million Haitians were affected, with more than 222,570 fatalities, over 300,500 injured and a staggering 2.3 million people, nearly one quarter of the national population displaced. Human-controlled factors such as poverty, environmental degradation and poor quality homes built in unsafe areas contributed to the overwhelming devastation wrought by the earthquake.

As the country looks toward rebuilding, the American Red Cross (ARC) recognized the need for a long-term integrated urban development strategy which incorporates social, economic and physical approaches to neighborhood development. Since September 2012, ARC is implementing an Integrated Neighborhood Reconstruction and Recovery Program/LAMIKA with the goal to enhance community and household resiliency while providing safer, healthier and more secure living conditions. LAMIKA will contribute to a more hazard resistant Port-au-Prince and a better future for Haiti.

The LAMIKA program is being implemented in Carrefour-Feuilles, a typical residential neighborhood north of downtown of Port-au-Prince. The area sustained extensive damage from the earthquake, and is characterized by dense housing, poverty and limited access to infrastructure and services. Under an integrated approach, the LAMIKA program is conducting activities in social empowerment, economic strengthening and Physical Renewal to address needs across sectors. Likewise, activities are designed to respond to needs at various scales, from the individual household up through to the municipal and national level.

The overall implementation strategy is driven by a community-based, participatory approach. This approach includes sustained community mobilization to inform program design which means direct participation by local residents in the reconstruction process.

Social Empowerment activities includes those that increase the capacity of local residents and service providers to promote the health, hazard resilience and social well-being of the community. These activities are the foundation for LAMIKA, which helps establish relationships needed to move the program forward. These activities fall under Pillar One – Social Empowerment - and is directly implemented by the ARC-LAMIKA staff.

Economic Strengthening activities are designed to enhance local markets and household economies and provide opportunities for income and asset security. They include activities such as small scale business, production, market linkage building, and capital mobilization through micro-credit including training and capacity building. Mercy Corps is the lead partner of Pillar 2 to implement these activities in the targeted area.

Physical Renewal activities will improve access to and use of appropriate land, housing, services and infrastructure. In an integrated approach, each of these activities link to and inform one another for the improvement of the Carrefour-Feuilles neighborhood while providing greater opportunity to its residents. These activities are planned to be centered on Campeche neighborhood. Global Communities is the leading partner of Pillar 3, together with Build Change to implement the activities.

The Program’s goal and key objectives set out in the PMP and the project proposal are as follows;

Program Goal
Enhance community and household resiliency in targeted communities through a sustainable and integrated multi-sectoral approach that provides socially cohesive, healthy, habitable and secure living spaces and conditions.

Social Empowerment Objective 1: Increased knowledge, attitude, practices, capacities and social responsibility of community and service providers on social and healthy behaviors.
Economic Strengthening Objective 2: Enhance local market and household economy providing opportunities for income and asset security.

Physical Renewal Objective 3: Improve access and use of appropriate land, housing, services and infrastructure.

Note: See the complete document attached

How to apply:
1.2. Application procedures
Interested candidates or evaluation firms should send their applications to . Please put the following in the subject line: “Application for LAMIKA Mid Term Evaluation”. The position(s) is open to both qualified national and international consultants. If individual candidates are applying, ensure that a team of two is proposed, as required for the evaluation.

A complete application will be one with all materials listed above in one single file in either Word or pdf format. The title of this file should be the last name of the Lead Evaluator (e.g. if the Lead Evaluator is named Jon Snow, the title of the application document should be “Snow”.).

Applications received after the deadline and incomplete applications will not be accepted.

1.3. Deadline for applications

11:59PM EST, 8 August 2014

Note: See the complete document attached

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