UCLG ASPAC Call External Consultant - Soil Investigation, Indonesian

External Consultant  - Soil Investigation
Pro-Poor Solid Waste Management Project for Town and/or Secondary City Pilot Project

Soil investigation is a part of Pro-Poor Solid Waste Management Project for town and/or secondary city Pilot Project. This activity is very important to support planning and management of construction of Waste to Energy plant in pilot cities. The result of soil investigation will be used as a reference of the engineer in designing the waste to energy plant and main information in the construction process. There are two main aspects of soil investigation activity such as geotechnical and ground water level. The consultant who will conduct the soil investigation activity should provide detailed analysis to support the construction process and avoid the failure during construction. The Geotechnical design report will be critical to design of the structures especially the site grading and soil condition.

UCLG-ASPAC and UNESCAP will identify the external consultant to provide detailed analysis and information on geotechnical and ground water level as important part of Waste to Energy Plant construction in pilot cities. Waste Concern Bangladesh, as a partner in WTE design will design the structure of the plant based on the soil condition at proposed location.

The soil investigation has following objectives:
  • Provide detailed information of soil condition of proposed location that will be important for design of the construction structure.(Bearing Capacity and Soil Characteristic)
  • Provide detailed information on ground water level
Soil investigation activity will be implemented on 25 June – 1 July 2016.

Soil investigation report should be completed with result of bearing capacity, soil characteristic, laboratory test and ground water level

Detailed Location
The location of soil investigation activity is at Sub-Terminal Agro Pasar Mantung, Kabupaten Malang with 880 square meter of land. (Detailed location is attached to this document)

Advertisement: 22-27 June 2016
Project Implementation: 29 June 2016-14 Juliy2016

Interested candidates are invited to send their CV (max 3 pages) and a motivation letter to finance@uclg-aspac.org; and cc to programme1@uclg-aspac.org On the subject letter, please write: Consultant–SWM–Your Name. 
