Access to Insurance Initiative Job Vacancy: Communications Manager - Eschborn, Germany

As a federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving  its objectives in the field of international cooperation for  sustainable development. For our operations in Germany/Eschborn, we are looking for a/an

Advisor (f/m)- Communications Manager (f/m) Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii)

Insurance protects against unexpected loss, thereby reducing life cycle and economic risk. In many parts of the world this protection does not exist for the majority of the population. A regulatory framework is essential to improve access to insurance, as it creates incentives to operate in the market and protects consumers. This is where the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) comes in. The Initiative is a global partnership founded in 2009 with the mission to inspire and support supervisors to promote inclusive and responsible insurance, thereby reducing vulnerability. The Initiative was created as a global partnership, initiated by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ), CGAP, FinMark Trust, the International Labour Office (ILO) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). Under this unique partnership, BMZ commissioned GIZ to host the Secretariat of the Access to Insurance Initiative.    
The A2ii is the implementation partner of the IAIS on inclusive insurance and capacity building. Its goal is to strengthen the capacity of policymakers, regulators, and supervisors seeking to advance inclusive insurance markets, particularly for low-income clients. This is done through the promotion of sound, effective and proportionate regulation and supervision of insurance markets based on IAIS standards.The A2ii’s core fields of activity are knowledge generation and dissemination, dialogue and learning, inputs for the development of IAIS standards and guidance, support for country and regional implementation processes in the area of regulatory and supervisory reform, and capacity development of insurance supervisors.  Peer exchange, networking and communications play a crucial role in the work of the A2ii.

The current phase of the A2ii ends on 31st December 2017 with another phase to follow.  

As part of the A2ii team you are responsible for the A2ii’s external communication and public relations. This includes:   
  • Development of communication strategies for A2ii, including innovative communication formats (esp. social media - LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
  • Guidance to theA2ii team in (targeted) communication to different audiences (policy-makers, supervisors, general public, funders etc.)
  • Responsibility for the A2ii website   
  • Integration of Spanish and French access points 
  • Regular update of website content
  • Responsibility for Social Media Channels
  • Creation of fresh, timely content for Twitter and LinkedIn accounts 
  • Responsibility for external A2ii publications 
  • Newsletter and Newsflashes (including review of layout and structure)  
  • A2ii annual report
  • Editing and layout of (event) reports, studies and other papers (such as policy papers, factsheet or technical notes)
  • Responsibility of A2ii mailing lists and dissemination channels
  • Support the organisation, coordination and implementation of regional and global A2ii events
  • Support other A2ii workstreams as required
  • University degree in economics, social sciences, international development, media/ communications or other related field
  • At least 3 years professional experience in press and public relations, editing, or communications, preferably involving insurance and/or financial services, regulation and policy or international development
  • High quality written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to explain technical issues to a non-technical audience
  • Extensive capacity for content development, including for web-based platforms and using other communication tools
  • Strong project management and organisational skills
  • Excellent interpersonal, liaison and cross-cultural skills
  • Fluent English skills, good German skills would be an advantage 
June 2017 until December 2017 (with option to prolongation)

GIZ creates prospects for people and with people. As GIZ has an international mandate, we offer a multicultural working environment. We are committed service providers and dedicated professionals, even under difficult circumstances. We take pride in enabling our employees to develop their professional and personal skills. There are plenty of reasons to join our motivated team – ranging from the diverse challenges you will face on a daily basis in one of our 130 partner countries, to the broad scope you will have for shaping your work.

Other Information:
Please apply online via GIZ' e-recruitment System.

The Job advertisement can be found HERE

After submitting an application, please check your spam/junk folder regularly for incoming messages, as emails from our e-recruiting system are treated as spam by some providers.

GIZ would like to improve the share of disabled employees, both in Germany and abroad. Applications from persons with disabilities are most welcome.

If we caught your interest, we are looking forward to your application until 21st April 2017.

Contact department:
Annika Neufang
+49 6196 79-3326
