Manushya Foundation Job Vacancy: Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer - Bangkok, Thailand

Who We Are

The Manushya FoundationEmpowering Communities; Advancing Social Justice. “Manushya” is a Sanskrit term being understood by many communities across Asia and in the world, meaning “humans”, “human being”, or even “human rights” (such as manusia in Bahasa or Malay).

Founded in 2017, Manushya Foundation is an Asia regional non-governmental organisation aimed at empowering communities to advance Human Rights, Social Justice & Peace.

Manushya Foundation serves as a bridge to Engage, Mobilise, and Empower Agents of Change by: connecting Humans through inclusive coalition building; and by developing strategies focused at placing local communities’ voices in the center of human rights advocacy and domestic implementation of international human rights obligations and standards. Manushya Foundation strengthens the solidarity and capacity of communities and grassroots to ensure they can constructively raise their own concerns and provide solutions in order to improve their livelihoods and the human rights situation on the ground.

We Believe in the Infinite Positive Power of Humans in building inclusive, just, equal, sustainable and peaceful societies in Asia; where individuals, communities, governments and non- state actors respect, fulfill and advance the enjoyment of universal and indivisible human rights for All, leaving no one behind.

We connect diverse and inclusive communities of Humans across Asia through coalition building, to ensure they are at the center of the human rights and sustainable development responses of their countries. By building capacities on human rights monitoring mechanisms, sharing experiences, developing innovative strategies and strengthening solidarity, Manushya Foundation empowers communities to advance human rights, social justice and peace.

Manushya Foundation serves as a "BRIDGE" to Engage, Mobilise, Empower Agents of Change:


  • ENGAGE communities by building their capacities on all UN human rights mechanisms to ensure their effective participation, and by providing them with the tools to efficiently build credible evidence and monitor the human rights situation on the ground (human rights documentation) to hold their government accountable on their human rights obligations.
  • MOBILISE communities around human rights movements, by building CSOs coalitions comprising all human rights issues, where communities are treated equally and can build solidarity and where all human rights are equal (civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights).
  • EMPOWER communities by ensuring they are at the center of the human rights response in their countries, engaging constructively and providing solutions to their government to improve the human rights on the ground. By applying a bottom-up approach, communities will own their issues, provide solutions and become the agents of change in their countries. Communities will bring back solutions at the local level to further empower their peers, ensuring no one is left behind.
The Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer
The Manushya Foundation is a small NGO, with the advantages and constraints attached. Every staff member and/or consultant plays an important role and carries responsibilities. Dedication is key as it greatly impacts the work of the organisation. It is therefore necessary to embrace the vision and goals of the organisation and fully commit to its success.

Duties & Responsibilities
The Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer is a consultant tasked to carry out the role of « Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer » until the end of March 2018. Under the supervision of the Executive Director and working closely with the Capacity Building Coordinator and M&E Officer, the Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer will be responsible for supporting the human rights advocacy work of Manushya Foundation under the project: “Improving Human Rights in Thailand: to ensure a meaningful engagement of all stakeholders in Thailand’s UPR and an effective implementation of UPR recommendations in order to improve the human rights situation on the ground, thereby supporting greater stability and prosperity in Thailand”. The project is funded by the UK-FCO Magna Carta Fund, administered by the British Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer will be responsible for the following:

Human Rights Monitoring:
  • Desk review human rights monitoring: Monitor the human rights situation through research, desk review, and leveraging on the information sent by communities on the ground;
  • Field visits human rights monitoring: Together with the Capacity Building coordinator and the M&E Officer, conduct field visits to sub-grantees to monitor the human rights situation on the ground;
  • Develop the Database of monitoring the human rights situation: Develop, Update and Monitor a database monitoring the human rights situation on the ground, as per information sent by sub-grantees;
  • Develop the monthly human rights situation update: gather the desk review research and field visits to develop the monthly human rights situation report for public dissemination.
Advocacy & Awareness Raising:
  • Development of Advocacy Briefs “Spotlight Issue”: In order to raise awareness on human rights issues in Thailand, the Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer will develop Advocacy briefs on specific human rights issues which are less visible and less known to the public at large;
  • Develop Press Statements to respond to cases of human rights violations;
  • National Advocacy: Support communities sending complaints to the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand to request investigation of human rights violations and development of recommendations and ensure the building of credible evidence;
  • International Advocacy: Support communities sending information to UN Special Procedures to ensure communications are sent by the UN Special Rapporteurs to the Royal Thai Government requesting investigation and replies to cases;
  • Strengthen communities' engagement in UN human rights monitoring mechanisms (UPR, treaty bodies, special procedures) by supporting their participation in the advocacy phase (development of submissions, advocacy fact-sheets, complaints, advocacy materials and liaison with partners and coalitions) and in the implementation phase (domestic implementation of international obligations on the ground).
Teamwork, Collaboration & Representation:
  • Support the Manushya Team in organizing events, meetings, workshops;
  • Participate in meetings and represent Manushya Foundation;
  • Take notes and prepare meeting reports of events;
  • Any other tasks required.
Finally, the Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer will be deeply involved in the implementation of international human rights obligations on the ground and experience a first-hand insight into the work and functioning of a small NGO.

Profile of the Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer
  • Graduate Legal Degree in human rights, international public law or masters in international development or international relations;
  • Minimum 2-4 year experience working on human rights issues;
  • Experience in human rights monitoring;
  • Experience of the United Nations System and/or with a governmental agency and/or non-governmental organization is required;
  • Strong knowledge of international human rights monitoring mechanisms, in particular the UPR;
  • Experience in conducting human rights documentation, including investigations and interviews is a strong asset;
  • Experience in Legal and Policy analysis;
  • Excellent analytical skills and dedication;
  • Excellent research skills;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills;
  • Excellent oral and written English;
  • Good knowledge of Thai language is a very strong asset as the work will be conducted in Thai and English;
  • Intellectucally curious person passionate about human rights who wants to make an impactful contribution to the filed by empowering communities to be agents of change;
  • Ability to exercise strategic judgment, take initiative, and design and implement advocacy strategies independently;
  • Ability to take initiative, to work unsupervised and to take responsibility for managing relationships with partner organisations.
Employment Conditions
  • Seven-month consultancy from 1 September 2017 to 30 March 2018;
  • Office-based, full-time.
Please send your CV and cover letter to:

Email subject: "Junior Human Rights & Advocacy Officer"

Deadline is 17 August 2017.
