Hillside Health Care International Job Vacancy: Volunteer Medical Director - Punta Gorda, Belize

HHCI -- a community health service organization providing health care and disease prevention services to the people of the district of Toledo, Belize – is seeking a volunteer Medical Director to oversee its delivery of medical care and the educational experience for students in educational rotations.

The Medical Director shall render medical services for HHCI in accordance with the quality and standards of the Belize Ministry of Health. In addition to providing oversight for all patient encounters and care rendered, the Medical Director shall provide supervision for the year-round educational medicine for medical, physician assistant, physical therapy, public health, and pharmacy students. The Medical Director shall be assisted by the Director of Programs and the Clinic Director who handle the administrative aspects of HHCI.

HHCI seeks a minimum six-month commitment from the Medical Director. HHCI shall also provide a monthly stipend for living expenses, housing located in the town of Punta Gorda to include all utilities, water, phone, internet services, and twenty days of leave during the twelve-month term of the agreement.

Interested parties are encouraged to submit a cover letter and resume to the address listed below.

Closing Date: 24 April 2019

For more information, including a comprehensive description of the position, please contact Jason Christensen via email at executivedirector@hillsidebelize.org or by calling 719.494.5534.
