Food and Agriculture Organization Job Vacancy: National Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, Jakarta - Indonesian

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Indonesia is looking for the individual candidate for the post of "National Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor".

Please refer to below Terms of Reference:

National Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor – ECTAD Programme
NPP Level : 9

The National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Adviser shall work under the overall supervision of the FAO Country Representative, the technical supervision of the Team Leader of the FAO ECTAD Programme in Indonesia and the day-to-day technical supervision of the Chief Technical Adviser.. Furthermore, the incumbent will work in close collaboration with the Directorate of Animal Health (DAH), Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services, as well as other national authorities, FAO technical teams and agencies responsible for the control of emerging infectious diseases (EID), zoonoses and pandemic threats in Indonesia.

Specifically, the incumbent shall:
  • Oversee the FAO ECTAD EPT2 programme’s M&E system including development of a results framework, log frame, monitoring of indicators, maintaining the programme database and information flow as an effective M&E system;
  • Support relevant FAO technical teams on the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of activity reporting and data flow, thereby promoting the effective use of M&E data including regular feedback to management to ensure that activities are on track, and raise any issues with project implementation;
  • Coordinate with relevant FAO ECTAD EPT2 technical teams and the M&E team on periodical progress monitoring against the work plan by tracking indicators and targets with periodical review, participatory data quality audits and use of an accountable M&E system;
  • Assist with the coordination and preparation of reports according to internal and external reporting requirements;
  • Support program staff in development of databases by using available technologies; use tools for tracking project progress and bottlenecks, and develop simple data collection tools based on monitoring indicators;
  • Together with the Communication team, organize the documentation of project activities, results, and processes including program updates, highlights, success stories, and other communication materials;
  • Participate in any assessments and evaluations by organizing the training of enumerators on assessment methodology and tools; supervise field team to ensure field level data integrity;
  • Provide general supervision of the Software Engineer and the National Data Management Assistant;
  • Carry out monthly meetings with M&E team members to coordinate and review plans, activities, and performance;
  • Represent FAO at relevant public forums, meetings and workshops, and participate in technical meetings to provide inputs on M&E aspects and information systems;
  • Produce automated reports as required;
  • Provide inputs for FAO and donor reports;
  • Participate and provide inputs in annual project planning activities;
Submit End of Assignment report by 15th September 2019, covering the last 6 months of work.

Perform other related M&E duties as required.

Expected Outputs:

Required Completion Date:
  • M&E system established and functioning on going 
  • Updates on data flow on zoonoses and EIDs activities Once established, monthly
  • Advice on programme development and planning.
As required
  • End of Assignment Report submitted 15 September 2019
Required Competencies 
  • Academic Qualifications:
    • Advanced degree in development studies preferably focused on international development project management, monitoring, evaluation, and data collection;
    • Technical Competencies and Experience Requirements:
  • Several years experience in a development assistance project or in a similar project involving monitoring and evaluation activities;
  • Experience managing a small team in a dynamic work environment;
  • Experience with the MS Office, database software and statistical software;
  • Excellent ability to speak and write English and Bahasa Indonesia;
  • Familiarity with operational issues of use of forms in field work, data collection, database management, and report generation;
  • Ability to work with individuals of different cultural / national backgrounds;
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills; and
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision and results oriented.
Duty station: Jakarta, Indonesia with possible field trips as necessary

Interested candidates should submit a CV and a covering letter ( in ENGLISH)  clearly stating their relevant skills, experience and REFERENCE CODE by e-mail to: E-mail: Submission DEADLINE: 15 May 2019. All candidates should possess computer/word processing skills. FAO reserves the right not to make an appointment, to make an appointment at a lower grade, or to make an appointment with a modified job description. FAO regrets to inform applicants that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
